Country life flows quietly, happily, and simply. The mourning dove coos in the morning, and squirrels scamper up and down pecan trees in the backyard. Ferns, a chimenea, and wooden rocking chairs make the patio a comfortable sitting place. My husband and I are educators and live a content life filled with family and friends. ~Glenda Beall~

Lonesome Dove Bluebonnets



Books I Read and Loved
Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Summer Vacation in the HIll Country
For the first time in three years, Ray and I went on a vacation. We loaded Ray's trailer down, and we left from Corpus to Utopia. Along with Ray's brother Louis, Dina, Daniel and Lindsey, we drove to River Haven Cabin Retreat in Utopia.
We cruised through Pleasanton, Jourdontan, Devine, over the Santa Anna Creek, through Biry (don't blink), Hondo, D'Hanis, Sabinal, and finally after Utopia. While we drove, we notice the landscape gradually changed from flat lands to hills. Ray, Lou and Tux pulled the trailer with the Jeep, and Dina and I and the kids drove in her Durango. As we drove, the kids watched their DVD players and listened to music on their iPods. I created a playlist of summer songs for the trip, and Dina had loads of CDs with 80s music.
Utopia is a quiet, sleepy town with the Sabinal River running through it.
At night we listened to the cicadas chirping and waded in the crystal clear river with the perch nibbling on us.
The next day, Daniel woke up with a insect bite that made his ear swell up quite a bit. He was courageous about it, and thankfully, he recovered quickly.
The next day we drove with Lou and Dina and family back to Concan and enjoyed a fabuous meal at a resteraunt called Neal's. Neal's was located by the Frio, and we watched people tubing down the river from the terrace.
Late in the afternoon, we waded in the Sabinal and enjoyed finding river rocks. The water is clear and cool, the river was shaded by live oak trees, and a small man made dam made the pouring water sound like a baby waterfall.
The sun set, and the guys made a fire in the pit so the kids could make marshmallows.
In the morning everyone packed up and Ray and I drove home leisurely. We enjoyed being out in nature, and being with family.
STUCO Academic Banquet
I looked for bids and hired a caterer. This year the menu was chicken fried steak, buttered potatoes, salad and bannana pudding.
We decorated the invitations and mailed them out. We Shanghaied the Home Economics teacher into decorating the main tables with linens and loaning her silver punch bowl. The kids covered all the other tables with blue, white, and silver table cover. We used our glass gloves and tea lights for atmosphere.
After looking and scrounging around, we came up with deocrations for the banquet. This year we laid out books with academic materials such as flasks, beakers, microscopes. All the members were assigned tasks and were lectured to death on dressing appropriately. After the banquet, the clean up takes forever but is finished.
The pics below show my STUCO in their everyday dress, and the night of the banquet when they are all gussied up.

Jodie~Sailor of the Day~BSM Third Class

Exciting news! Jodie was honored with Sailor of the Day. The Stennis has over 5, 000 Navy personnel, and she was named SOD. She received this honor for her careful, meticulous work, and leadership among her shipmates. We are so proud of her. The letter we received from the captain stated Jodie won this honor for her hard work and perserverance.
The news became more exciting when Jodie told us she is now an official Boatswain's Mate, Third Class. Boatswain's Mate is one of the oldest ranks in the Navy and is predominated by men. Jodie worked hard and endured much to make this rate, and now she is a third class.
Jo has many jobs and some of them are driving the Stennis, driving small boats for find man overboard, playing the pipes when the Captain comes onboard, and multitasking many jobs while working with a crew of her shipmates.