Sorry to be so reclusive, but let's see.. life has been busy. Ray works for Texana teaching new employees CPR, first aid, crisis prevention, and van safety. He works in Richmond which is only 30 minutes away.
I am working at school and working on my graduate studies. Both demand all my extra time, so my social life is little to none, but that's ok.....
Jamie and Cody are doing well, Cody played soccer, and is going to play basketball. He still loves super heros, and the ones the admires changes constantly. Cody's favorites are Batman, Spider man, Superman, Ninja Turtles, and another one that I have no idea who it is.
Jodie and Tony are doing fine. He is home after being gone to sea for awhile, and Jodie was so happy for him to come home. She has a sonogram Dec 5th, and she should be able to know the sex of the baby.
Tux still thinks he is boss of the house,and his only concern is when the next bone is coming around.
Country life flows quietly, happily, and simply. The mourning dove coos in the morning, and squirrels scamper up and down pecan trees in the backyard. Ferns, a chimenea, and wooden rocking chairs make the patio a comfortable sitting place. My husband and I are educators and live a content life filled with family and friends. ~Glenda Beall~

Lonesome Dove Bluebonnets

Working on my Masters~Teaching~Reading~Scrappin'

Certain Celebrities~~Telemarketers~~Beets

Books I Read and Loved