Lonesome Dove Bluebonnets

Lonesome Dove Bluebonnets


Working on my Masters~Teaching~Reading~Scrappin'


Certain Celebrities~~Telemarketers~~Beets

Books I Read and Loved


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Spring Break

Spring Break whirled through and left me dizzy and spent... but smiling.

Saturday Ray and I met Jamie, Scot, and Cody to bring Cody to the Homestead.
I f insihed reading the The Devil Wears Prada while Cody and Pawpaw spent all day outside.

Tuesday Lou, Dina, Lindsey, and Daniel drove in from Corpus. We barbequed steaks and enjoyed the evening. Daniel and Cody wore Cowboy hats and Cody had Pawpaws pipe.

The next day, we drove into Houston and braved the thunderstorms. Couldn't do much shopping, terrorized the mall and Barnes and Noble. Bought three books: Johnny Got His Gun, A Girl Named Zippy, and The Freedom Writers Diary. Finally we got everybody to hit the sack, including Lindz.

When they left to vacation a little more, Mamo and I drove Cody home. We had a visit with Jamie and Scot, then spent the night, and enjoyed a leisurely drive home.

Ray bought a satellite radio, and is enjoying the heck out of it. Everytime I hear a song I like, I write it down to download on my iPOD.

Saturday I recharged my batteries by scrapping all day long. I worked on Jamie's and Jodie's scrapbooks and created the layout for the spring scrapbook.

Sunday I will finsh chores and take all my books to prepare for UIL poetry and prose interpretation. Hope your break was great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lou, Daniel, Lindsey and I had a wonderful time with you guys. It was fun to see Cody and Daniel in their Spiderman pj's and in Ray's old Datsun. Lindsey and I enjoyed the mall time. Glenda, I still don't know what the deal was with the salesperson at Pottery Barn??we had so much fun cutting up about it on our drive back. Ray and Lou didn't know who these "crazy" women were in the back seats. We always enjoy our time together. Thanks for always making us feel so welcome, comfortable and loved :-) Your sis, Dina